Thursday 17 February 2011

The state after the revolution - the political programme of APIC(APICONG)

The political programme of APIC(APICONG) as adopted on February 15, 2011 will be summarised in brief outlines as follows:

* The working class and the peasantry are the salt of the earth. The origin of our national and cultural identity lives on in and is guarded by the tribes [bedouin & indigenous population].
Together, they are the true and authentic voice of the nation.
Their demands, therefore, must be unconditionally supported.
Their concerns are to be the chief concerns of the state.

*The revolution requires a purge of the religious institutions and places of learning of munafiqin and reactionary elements.
They have forbidden the allowed and made allowed the forbidden. They have turned Islam into a caricature of itself and repressed its productive and revolutionary potential.

*Gender equality is to be legally enforced.

*The principle of "same work-same pay" is to legally enforced.

*Food, housing and work are to be constitutionally recognised/guaranteed as basic human rights.

*The transition process following the ouster of autocratic regimes detrimental to the interests of the people is to be sped up. Hence we will support every programme, proposal and action conducive to this aim.

*APIC(APICONG) rejects the enforcement of a state religion as inappropriate to the needs of the societies given. We stand for an integrative society with equal rights and recognition for all its citizens. All minorities shall enjoy legal equality.

*The state shall not interfere with personal choices, with all the implications and consequences this principle entails.

*The new state must not be the legal heir of the old.
All existing treaties must be reconsidered.

*The state to be formed shall commit itself to a non-aggression policy while preserving the right to defend its interests.

*APIC(APICONG) shall enforce the representation of all ethnic and religious minorities in parliament and their participation in both legislative and executive powers.

*The state to be formed shall recognise the cultural autonomy of all ethnic and religious minorities.

*The instigation of sectarian strife and ethnic violence shall be regarded, under the guidelines of state and civil law, as a capital offence.

*Draconian measures shall be applied, under the guidelines of civil law, to perpetrators of any form of ta'aroud (sexual harassment of women).

*APIC(APICONG) is committed to a reform of the prison system.

*The legislation of the state to be formed shall be based upon coexistence and constructive dialogue of traditional and religious law systems with civil law.

*The new state must be culturally, politically, economically and spiritually sovereign as well as internationalist and anti-imperialist by definition.

*The state to be formed must be committed to and actively promote Arab unity, the unity of the Islamic Ummah, and the unity of the peoples within the greater Middle East beyond ethnic and religious boundaries.

*The new state shall promote the creation of bodies and institutions aimed at fostering and consolidating political and economic cooperation in Afro-Asia.

*The state to be formed should build up strong and durable ties with the countries of Latin and Central America aimed at political alliance and economic cooperation.

*APIC(APICONG) shall promote and seek to bring to new blossom science, literature and the arts.

*APIC(APICONG) shall promote cross border and inter-cultural dialogue.

*APIC(APICONG) shall at all times measure with well-adjusted scales and form a bulwark against all forms of extremism.

*APIC(APICONG) is firmly committed to the protection of the natural environment and to the respect and reverence of all forms of life.

*APIC(APICONG) advocates public ownership of all major industries and means of production consolidated by a private sector made up of small and independent enterprises.

*APIC(APICONG) stands for an equilibrium of agriculture and industry and opposes prioritisation of the cities.

*APIC(APICONG) is firmly committed to eradicating the gap between the living standards of rural, urban and nomadic populations.

*APIC(APICONG) shall do everything within its power to wipe out poverty, illiteracy and malnutrition.

*APIC(APICONG) shall wage campaigns and set up institutions to that effect.

Our state is a state of workers, peasants and tribesmen in coalition with the progressive intelligence.
Our aim is unity and cooperation in Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
Our goal is the creation of an alternative economy and of an alternative economic and political power.


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