Wednesday 13 April 2011

Important Notice - Join tomorrow's meeting addressing military trials at Imbaba/Cairo!

In spite of the Revolution, in which thousands of people have participated in order to free the country from the bonds of a dictatorial and oppressive regime so as to establish freedom and self-determination for all citizens of Egypt, justice and human rights today are undermined by military tribunals that lack the most elementary legal foundation, and by numerous provisions enforced by the military junta in order to curtail the freedom of speech and basic democratic rights.

Politics and media have failed to exercise their duty to protect the people against military despotism and give the oppressed the opportunity to speak out. 

The Committee against Military Trials of Civilians and the People's Committee for the Defence of the Revolution have therefore decided to take to the streets in order to open up popular dialogue.

We are calling all our members, associates and sympathisers currently in Egypt to come to Cairo's Imbaba neighbourhood tomorrow, April 14, at 7.00 pm (19:00 hours), opposite Aziz Ezzat, to attend a meeting at which Mr. Ahmad Ragheb, a lawyer and member of the Defence Committee, and relatives of detainees will be present.

Since it is the revolution itself, which we are defending when we are defending the rights of revolutionaries wrongfully detained, and since safety lies in numbers, we urge everyone to be present. We urge everyone reading this notice to support the Committee against Military Trials of Civilians and the People's Committee for the Defence of the Revolution by their action, their presence and their solidarity.

و نظرا لتقاعس وسائل الاعلام المصرية عن اداء دورها و اتاحة مساحة للتواصل مع المواطنين المظلومين فقد قررنا نزول الشارع لبدأ حوار شعبي

تدعوكم مجموعة " لا للمحاكمات العسكرية للمدنيين" واللجنة الشعبية لحماية الثورة بامبابة لحضور المؤتمروالشعبي المقام في امبابة , في حضور أهالي المعتقلين و المحكوم عليهم من المحاكم العسكرية و الاستاذ أحمد راغب المحامي وأحد أعضاء لجنة الدفاع.

انضموا لنا في الشارع.

العنوان :شارع المستوقد-مساكن عزيز عزت-امبابه
يوم الخميس الموافق 14 أبريل فى تمام الساعه 7:00

1 comment:

  1. As anticipated, the event was violently interrupted when so-called inhabitants of Imbaba entered the conference accompanied by an army officer claimed to have "acted on his own", accusing the participants (who all but one were Egyptians)of being "foreigners making money out of a publicity stand" and physically assaulting them.
    This is a pattern familiar from the assaults on Tahrir protesters and must be seen in the same context.
    The "officer acting on his own" arrested two participants of the event and a BBC journalist.

    Incidents like this must not be underrated.

    The dramatically staged arrest of Mubarak and his sons is nothing but a propaganda coup aimed at diverting public attention from repressive measures to follow and lull the revolution into a false sense of security.

    We are warning the people, the Committee against Military Trials of Civilians and the People's Commitee for the Defence of the Revolution to expect and prepare for more repressive measures by the hands of army, police and state organs.

    Do not allow yourselves to be caught by surprise!
    Do not allow yourselves to be defenseless!
    Do not let down your guard!
